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 Noise & Vibration


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SonicSniffer is a portable frequency meter for preventive maintenance of ultrasonic transducers and power ultrasonic stacks, primarily in cutting and ultrasonic welding fields. The SonicSniffer determines the work frequency of the ultrasonic stack analyzing the sound emitted by the equipment during operation. See in the back side of this sheet how to use this information.



SonicSniffer, Ultrasonic Frequency Meter
The SonicSniffer allows measuring the working frequency of the ultrasonic transducers and power acoustic sets during operation.


Technical Specifications:

Feature Value
Frequency range: 1,00 – 80 kHz
Resolution: 10 Hz
Tolerance: 6 Hz
Size: 95 x 51 x 16 mm
Weight: 50 g
Battery: 3 V, model CR 2032

SonicSniffer, technical specifications

  Preventive maintenance on power ultrasonic equipment
Problems in ultrasonic systems cause troubles and damages that can be easily avoided with preventive maintenance. In general, frequency deviations indicate wear on the interfaces, tight loss or more serious problems such as cracks or deformation. Some of these problems can be detected with practical tools like SonicSniffer and solved by simple procedures such as those described in this guide.
In case of more complex problems or when the objective is the manufacture of acoustic stacks or parts, is essential to use more sophisticated tools like the TRZ Transducers Analyzer.


Preventive inspection
For high quality welding equipment, a deviation of more than 50 Hz over its operating frequency implies the need for preventive maintenance of the ultrasonic stack. For general equipment, the criterion is based on prior knowledge of the operating parameters of each device, whose characteristics must be accompanied from the beginning of operation thereof.

Some customers of the SonicSniffer
GF Lanternas (Brazil)
Predictive maintenance of transducers and power ultrasonic acoustic sets.
Traktolamp (Mexico)
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic transducers and power acoustic sets used for welding of thermoplastics.
Ortobom (Brazil)
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic transducers and power acoustic sets used in machines that manufacture and package mattress springs.
Andor Fournituren B.V. (Netherlands)
Predictive maintenance of cutting and welding machines used in the manufacture of clothing and accessories.
Starsprings do Brasil
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic transducers and power acoustic sets used in machines that manufacture and package mattress springs.
Itron (Brazil)
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic transducers and power acoustic sets.
Terlizzi (Argentina)
Predictive maintenance of cutting and welding machines used in the manufacture of accessories for lingerie and underwear.
Caribe America Trading (USA)
Preventive maintenance of ultrasound welding systems.
Eurosonics (France)
Quality control and detection of cracks in piezoelectric ceramics.
Latienvases S.A. (Ecuador)
Preventive maintenance of ultrasound welding systems.
EnnisPaint (USA)
Predictive and corrective maintenance of ultrasonic transducers.
Fitesa (Argentina)
Preventive maintenance of ultrasound welding systems.
Prime Ultrasonics (India)
Solutions for ultrasound welding system..
Hardsonic (Hungary)
Manufacture of ultrasonic cleaning systems and ultrasonic welding.
WTP Ultrasonic (Brazil)
In loco diagnostic of ultrasonic welding machines.
CEMAS do Brasil (Brazil)
Diagnostic tool for customers.
Gerlucc (Brazil)
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic welding machines in operation (package mattress springs).
HP Pelzer Group (Brazil)
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic welding machines in operation (ultrasonic welding machines for auto parts).
Prado Lux (Brazil)
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic welding machines in operation (ultrasonic welding machines for auto lanterns.
Grupo Herval (Brazil)
Predictive maintenance of ultrasonic welding machines in operation (package mattress springs).
Prime Ultrasonics (India)
In loco diagnostic of ultrasonic welding machines.           





Total 2
TRZ Horn Analyze 

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