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Measurement and control DAQ system for demanding applications!
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Main features
- Medium speed data acquisition system up to 10 kS/s/ch.
- Completely modular and thus very flexible in configuration. Variety of different modules available for analog, digital, counter, CAN, GPS, USB, WiFi.
- Hot swap modules feature.
- Scalable from two to several thousand channels of analog, digital and counter inputs.
- REAL-TIME performance.
- Redundant data storage.
- Rugged aluminum chassis's.
- Operating temperature -20 C to +60 C.
- Embedded PC option available with Intel ATOM processor and internal storage.
- Dewesoft X included: zero-configuration.
DS-NET is a measurement and control system designed for many demanding applications, especially in the fields of:
- component testing,
- engine testing,
- process performance testing,
- structural monitoring,
- industrial monitoring.
DS-NET system is rugged and scalable from two channels control unit to a large synchronized measurement grid withthousands of channels. It is as flexible as being a stand alone data logger, a channel expansion for other Dewesoft instruments, an Ethernet based distributed measurement system or a full-featured independent data acquisition instrument.

Completely modular architecture allows perfect system configuration needed for the application. A wide range of DS-NET modules are available to support almost any type of input and output signals. These multi-function modules can be combined in countless ways and provide top notch data recording and process control.
Rugged mechanical design
CNC aluminium construction provides maximal ruggedness and stability at low weight and fanless cooling at operating conditions from -20 to +60 C (CPU: 0 to +60 C). No moving parts or cables are used in the internal electronics.

Rugged electronic design
All inputs are galvanically isolated with 500 - 1200 V from channel to channel and to chassis GND. Most of the inputs offer a wide range of sensor connections with a synchronous sampling speed of up to 10 kS/s per channel. The aggregate sampling rate per gate is 160 kS/s. Due to its modularity the system offers up to 128 measurement channels including analog, digital, counters and CAN data.
Any sensor
A wide range of sensors can be connected to the isolated inputs such as: voltages up to 1000 V, currents 0-20 mA, 10..1000 A (clamps), thermocouple B,E,J,K,L,T,U,N,R,S (built-in CJC) PT100, PT1000, strain gauge 1⁄4, 1⁄2, full bridge (DC or carrier frequency excitation), IEPE, ICP sensors, resistance, potentiometers, LVDT, frequency, pulse width, encoders, counter, time, status. For hybrid applications we offer high isolation with 1200 V (5 k V pk) for voltage and thermocouple inputs.

Stand-alone option with CPU
For maximum portability we offer DS-NET CPU module which adds a full-featured PC to your DS-NET system and turns it into a complete stand-alone instrument. This enables you to run Dewesoft X software locally. Measurement data is stored directly onto the internal flash disk. Attach a keyboard and display for full control and to display the measurement data.
Any DS-NET system starts with one DS-GATE as the base and then up to 16 DS-NET-modules can be chosen to complete one system. An optional DS-NET CPU module can be added to include a local computer.
DS-GATE specs.
Module variations
DS-NET modules are available for almost any type of input and output signals. These modules are intelligent and contain all the setup data that you can easily define within our award winning Dewesoft X software for maximum reliability and deterministic control. Basic calculations like minima, maxima, data reduction and filtering are done directly inside each module.
Hot swap feature
All DS-NET-modules are hot swappable and have auto-loading configuration and addressing functionality. This makes system serviceability extremely efficient and effective.