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Small and versatile
Weighting just over 0.5 Kg and sizing ~22.3 x 7.82 x 4.50 cm (~8.78 x 3.08 x 1.77 in), you can hold the DEWE-43 in one hand, and yet inside this small, rugged box beats the heart of a giant.

It's got eight dynamic analog inputs, each one backed up with a 24-bit AD converter for simultaneous sampling at the highest resolution. The inputs are "universal" type, which can handle strain gages and voltages up to +/-10V natively ... Use our tiny MSI adapters and convert any of them to a different input type, including IEPE accelerometer inputs, 200V inputs, RTD's and thermocouples (see inputs section for details).
The DEWE-43 is the ideal solution for demanding dynamic data acquisition applications, when you need something with stellar specifications, and yet with a small and budget friendly footprint.
Build quality
Is it rugged? You bet! We carefully design our instruments and CNC each one out of a solid block of aluminum. This way, the instrument is not only tough, but also light for maximum portability.
Only Dewesoft builds instruments this way.

Award winner
DEWE-43 was voted and received a product of the year award from NASA Tech Briefs magazine.
DEWE-43 was chosen among fierce competition from National Instruments, Autodesk, Honeywell and others. DEWE-43 got more votes that all other contenders together, which makes this win even more valuable.

When your application requires a higher channel count than one DEWE-43, we have many options for expansion. Below are just a few examples. Contact your local Dewesoft sales organization to help find a solution for your custom configuration.
1 x 32 channel system
Use our SYNC BOX and USB hub to connect together up to four DEWE-43 units to form powerful 32 channel system. With external USB hub only 1 USB connection to computer is required. Of course you can also connect DEWE-43s directly to your multiple USB ports on your computer.

Mixed signal acquisition
Picture below shows how you can mix and connect different Dewesoft instruments together for different signal types. Here two DEWE-43s and one 32-channel DS-NET system are connected together. The entire system forms:
- 16 fast analog channels @ 24 bit, 200 kS/s per channel
- 16 super-counters channels
- 4 CAN 2.0b ports
- 32 slow analog channels @ 24 bit, 2 kS/s per channel
Of course entire acquisition is perfectly synchronized no matter what data speeds are used in this configuration.

Dewesoft X
Every DEWE-43 system comes bundled with Dewesoft X Professional, world's most advanced and easy-to-use data acquisition and analysis software. With Dewesoft X you can use your DEWE-43 instrument to the limits. It gives you many advantages over other systems. With functionalities like plug-and-play, HW auto-detection, smart sensors and many more you will be ready for your tests in seconds!
1. Connect IN 30 SECONDS
Connect your instrument and sensors. Dewesoft X will autodetect hardware and sensors. No setup required.
- Hardware auto-detection
- Smart and TEDS sensors
- Automatic unit conversion
- Synchronized analog, counter, video, GPS, buses acquisition
2. Measure & Store
Powerful storing capabilities with more then 200 MB/s sustained stream rates.
- Real-time data acquisition
- Advanced triggering and alarms
- Standard and customisable displays
- Distributed and wireless data acquisition
- Automate test sequences with Sequencer
- Advanced on-line mathematics
3. Analyse
Powerful and easy to use processing, post-processing, replay and reporting capabilities.
- Advanced mathematics
- Print out data
- Reports
- Export data to just about any format
- FREE DEWESoft X viewer for viewing data